Experiments Definitions

Experiments are defined in Peel using a Spring dependency injection container as a set of inter-connected beans. In this section we present the available bean types and illustrate how they can be defined based on our peel-wordcount example.

Beans definitions can be done either in XML or in annotated Scala classes. We recommend the first for small experiments and the latter for more complex fixtures.

The entry point of your definitions is either

Scala files are kept as source and compiled lazily in order to ease late modifications on the server side. If you change something in a Scala source, make sure to delete the corresponding *.class before you run Peel in order to reflect the source changes.

If both files exist, XML-based definitions have precedence and the *.scala files are silently ignored.

Domain Model

The beans required to define an experiment realize the system experiments domain introduced in the Motivation section. A UML diagram of the domain model can be seen below.

Peel domain model: UML class diagram
Peel domain model: UML class diagram


The central class in this model is Experiment. It specifies the following properties:

  • the experiment name;
  • the command that executes the experiment application;
  • the number of runs (repetitions) the experiment is executed;
  • the inputs required and outputs produced by each run;
  • the runner system that carries the execution;
  • other systems, upon which the execution of the experiment depends;
  • the experiment-specific environment config, as discussed in the “Configuration Layers” section.


The second important class in the model is System. It specifies the following properties:

  • the system name, usually fixed per System implementation, e.g. flink for the Flink system or spark for the Spark system;
  • the system version, e.g. 0.9.0 for Flink or 1.3.1 for Spark;
  • a configKey under which config parameters will be located in the environment configuration, usually the same as the system name;
  • a Lifespan value (one of Provided, Suite, Experiment, or Run) which tells Peel when to start and stop the system;
  • a list of systems upon which the current system depends.

As a restriction, a dependent system must never have a wider Lifespan value then its dependencies.

Experiment Suite

A series of related experiment beans are organized in an ExperimentSuite. Typically, the experiments within a suite should be closely related and a used to characterize a certain behavior. For example, in our peel-wordcount bundle we want to define a wordcount.scale-out suite which consists of the following six experiment beans:

  • wordcount.flink.top05 - execute WordCount on Flink using 5 workers,
  • wordcount.flink.top10 - execute WordCount on Flink using 10 workers,
  • wordcount.flink.top20 - execute WordCount on Flink using 20 workers,
  • wordcount.spark.top05 - execute WordCount on Spark using 5 workers,
  • wordcount.spark.top10 - execute WordCount on Spark using 10 workers,
  • wordcount.spark.top20 - execute WordCount on Spark using 20 workers.

Input and Output Data

Experiments typically depend on some kind of input data, represented as abstract DataSet elements associated with a particular FileSystem in our model. The following types are currently supported:

  • CopiedDataSet - used for static data copied into the target FileSystem;
  • GeneratedDataSet - used for data generated by a Job into the target FileSystem.

In addition, each Experiment bean is associated with an ExperimentOutput which describes the paths with data written by the experiment workload application. Peel uses this meta-information to clean those paths upon execution.

Dependency Graph

An experiment suite induces a dependency graph based on the following rules:

  • An ExperimentSuite depends on its experiments;
  • An Experiment depends on its runner, systems, and inputs;
  • A DataSet depends on its FileSystem;
  • A System depends on its dependencies.

This dependency graph is used to determine which systems need to be running at various points in the lifecycle of an experiment. As a restriction, the dependency graph cannot be cyclic.

Supported Systems

The peel-extensions module ships with several System implementations. The following systems are defined in the peel-extensions.xml and can be used out of the box.

System Version System bean ID
HDFS 1.2.1 hdfs-1.2.1
HDFS 2.4.1 hdfs-2.4.1
HDFS 2.7.1 hdfs-2.7.1
HDFS 2.7.2 hdfs-2.7.2
HDFS 2.7.3 hdfs-2.7.3
HDFS 2.8.0 hdfs-2.8.0
Flink 0.8.0 flink-0.8.0
Flink 0.8.1 flink-0.8.1
Flink 0.9.0 flink-0.9.0
Flink 0.10.0 flink-0.10.0
Flink 0.10.1 flink-0.10.1
Flink 0.10.2 flink-0.10.2
Flink 1.0.0 flink-1.0.0
Flink 1.0.1 flink-1.0.1
Flink 1.0.2 flink-1.0.2
Flink 1.0.3 flink-1.0.3
Flink 1.1.0 flink-1.1.0
Flink 1.1.1 flink-1.1.1
Flink 1.1.2 flink-1.1.2
Flink 1.1.3 flink-1.1.3
Flink 1.1.4 flink-1.1.4
Flink 1.2.0 flink-1.2.0
Flink 1.2.1 flink-1.2.1
Flink 1.3.0 flink-1.3.0
Flink 1.3.1 flink-1.3.1
Flink 1.3.2 flink-1.3.2
Flink 1.4.0 flink-1.4.0
MapReduce 1.2.1 mapred-1.2.1
MapReduce 2.4.1 mapred-2.4.1
Spark 1.3.1 spark-1.3.1
Spark 1.4.0 spark-1.4.0
Spark 1.4.1 spark-1.4.1
Spark 1.5.1 spark-1.5.1
Spark 1.5.2 spark-1.5.2
Spark 1.6.0 spark-1.6.0
Spark 1.6.2 spark-1.6.2
Spark 2.0.0 spark-2.0.0
Spark 2.0.1 spark-2.0.1
Spark 2.0.2 spark-2.0.2
Spark 2.1.0 spark-2.1.0
Spark 2.1.1 spark-2.1.1
Spark 2.2.0 spark-2.2.0
Spark 2.2.1 spark-2.2.1
Zookeeper 3.4.5 zookeeper-3.4.5
Dstat 0.7.2 dstat-0.7.2
Dstat 0.7.3 dstat-0.7.3

Each system bean has a a default configuration entry with name reference.${systemID}.conf which sets values suitable for running experiments on your local machine. Browse the corresponding peel-extensions packages to see what other beans are implemented and available for each system.

If you want to add support for another system, use one of the existing implementations as a starting point. Contributions are welcome!


Let us again take a look at the layout of the basic two experiments in the peel-wordcount bundle.

Environment layout for 'WordCount: Spark vs. Flink'
Environment layout for "WordCount: Spark vs. Flink"

From that figure, we can infer the following basic elements of our domain model.

  • System beans - Flink, Spark, and their common dependency HDFS.
  • A DataSet bean that represents the WordCount job input.
  • An ExperimentOutput bean that represents the WordCount job output.
  • An Experiment bean for the FlinkWC job which depends on the Flink system.
  • An Experiment bean for the SparkWC job which depends on the Spark system.

We will now go through each of the above elements and show the corresponding bean definitions using XML and Scala-based Spring syntax.


We start with the definition of the systems. For our setup, we want to override the flink-0.9.0 and spark-1.3.1 beans so they depend on hdfs-2.7.1 and reuse hdfs-2.7.1 unmodified.

```xml ```
```scala @Bean(name = Array("flink-0.9.0")) def `flink-0.9.0`: Flink = new Flink( version = "0.9.0", configKey = "flink", lifespan = Lifespan.EXPERIMENT, dependencies = Set(ctx.getBean("hdfs-2.7.1", classOf[HDFS2])), mc = ctx.getBean(classOf[Mustache.Compiler]) ) @Bean(name = Array("spark-1.3.1")) def `spark-1.3.1`: Spark = new Spark( version = "1.3.1", configKey = "spark", lifespan = Lifespan.EXPERIMENT, dependencies = Set(ctx.getBean("hdfs-2.7.1", classOf[HDFS2])), mc = ctx.getBean(classOf[Mustache.Compiler]) ) ```

For better structuring and maintenance, the definitions are factored out in dedicated files

Input and Output Data

For the DataSet that represents the WordCount job input, we have two options - copy a static dataset shipped as part of the bundle or generate the data on the fly.

For the first option, we first place the text file under peel-wordcount-bundle/src/main/resources/datasets, which upon building the bundle binaries is copied under ${app.path.datasets}. Upon that, we can define the corresponding CopiedDataSet bean as follows.

```xml ```
```scala @Bean(name = Array("dataset.words.static")) def `dataset.words.static`: DataSet = new CopiedDataSet( src = "${app.path.datasets}/rubbish.txt", dst = "${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt", fs = ctx.getBean("hdfs-2.7.1", classOf[HDFS2]) ) ```

The bean then delegates to the underlying FileSystem (in this case hdfs-2.7.1) in order to copy the file from the given src to the given dst.

For the second option, we first add a WordGenerator Flink job to the peel-wordcount-datagens project and configure a corresponding FlinkJob bean.

```xml <![CDATA[ -v -c org.peelframework.wordcount.datagen.flink.WordGenerator \ ${app.path.datagens}/peel-wordcount-datagens-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ ${datagen.dictionary.dize} \ ${system.default.config.parallelism.total} \ ${datagen.tuples.per.task} \ ${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt ]]> ```
```scala @Bean(name = Array("dataset.words")) def `datagen.words`: FlinkJob = new FlinkJob( runner = ctx.getBean("flink-0.9.0", classOf[Flink]), command = """ | -v -c org.peelframework.wordcount.datagen.flink.WordGenerator \ | ${app.path.datagens}/peel-wordcount-datagens-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ | ${datagen.dictionary.dize} \ | ${system.default.config.parallelism.total} \ | ${datagen.tuples.per.task} \ | ${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt """.stripMargin.trim ) ```

The bean relies on the flink-0.9.0 system (which is provided out of the box as explained above) and runs the given command.

/flink-home/bin/flink run ${command}

The values for the parameters in the command string are thereby taken and substituted based on the environment configuration of the enclosing experiment bean. This allows us to vary parameters like the DOP and the size of the dictionary per experiment. The final result is written in ${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt.

With that, we can configure a DataSet bean that runs the datagen.words job on demand to generate the words file.

```xml ```
```scala @Bean(name = Array("dataset.words.generated")) def `dataset.words.generated`: DataSet = new GeneratedDataSet( src = ctx.getBean("datagen.words", classOf[FlinkJob]), dst = "${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt", fs = ctx.getBean("hdfs-2.7.1", classOf[HDFS2]) ) ```

We also add an ExperimentOutput bean for the path where the WordCount jobs will write their result.

```xml ```
```scala @Bean(name = Array("wordcount.output")) def `wordcount.output`: ExperimentOutput = new ExperimentOutput( path = "${system.hadoop-2.path.output}/wordcount", fs = ctx.getBean("hdfs-2.7.1", classOf[HDFS2]) ) ```

Experiments and Experiment Suites

With the above beans we can define the two experiments that respectively run the FlinkWc job on Flink and the SparkWC job on Spark.

If we leave the config parameters empty, the experiments will be executed using the default configuration for the current environment. We wrap this variant in a word-count.default bundle.

```xml <![CDATA[ -v -c org.peelframework.wordcount.flink.FlinkWC \ ${app.path.apps}/peel-wordcount-flink-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ ${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt \ ${system.hadoop-2.path.output}/wordcount ]]> <![CDATA[ --class org.peelframework.wordcount.spark.SparkWC \ ${app.path.apps}/peel-wordcount-spark-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ ${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt \ ${system.hadoop-2.path.output}/wordcount ]]> ```
```scala @Bean(name = Array("wordcount.default")) def `wordcount.default`: ExperimentSuite = { val `wordcount.flink.default` = new FlinkExperiment( name = "wordcount.flink.default", command = """ |-v -c org.peelframework.wordcount.flink.FlinkWC \ |${app.path.apps}/peel-wordcount-flink-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ |${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt \ |${system.hadoop-2.path.output}/wordcount """.stripMargin.trim, config = ConfigFactory.parseString(""), runs = 3, runner = ctx.getBean("flink-0.9.0", classOf[Flink]), inputs = Set(ctx.getBean("dataset.words.static", classOf[DataSet])), outputs = Set(ctx.getBean("wordcount.output", classOf[ExperimentOutput])) ) val `wordcount.spark.default` = new SparkExperiment( name = "wordcount.spark.default", command = """ |--class org.peelframework.wordcount.spark.SparkWC \ |${app.path.apps}/peel-wordcount-spark-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ |${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt \ |${system.hadoop-2.path.output}/wordcount """.stripMargin.trim, config = ConfigFactory.parseString(""), runs = 3, runner = ctx.getBean("spark-1.3.1", classOf[Spark]), inputs = Set(ctx.getBean("dataset.words.static", classOf[DataSet])), outputs = Set(ctx.getBean("wordcount.output", classOf[ExperimentOutput])) ) new ExperimentSuite(Seq( `wordcount.flink.default`, `wordcount.spark.default`)) } ```

Now let us consider a situation where we want to execute a series of experiments with a varying parameter, e.g. varying both the input size and the number of workes in a wordcount.scale-out suite. Here is again the desired environment layout.

Environment layouts for 'Weak Scale-Out - Spark vs. Flink'
Environment layouts for "Weak Scale-Out - Spark vs. Flink"

In order define this layout, we need to create a suite with the following six experiments:

  • wordcount.flink.top05 - execute WordCount on Flink using 5 workers,
  • wordcount.flink.top10 - execute WordCount on Flink using 10 workers,
  • wordcount.flink.top20 - execute WordCount on Flink using 20 workers,
  • wordcount.spark.top05 - execute WordCount on Spark using 5 workers,
  • wordcount.spark.top10 - execute WordCount on Spark using 10 workers,
  • wordcount.spark.top20 - execute WordCount on Spark using 20 workers.

For each pair of Flink and Spark experiments, we vary the number of workers over 5, 10, and 20 respectively, as well as the amount of data processed per task. This requires setting proper values to the following two config parameters:

  • system.default.config.slaves - A list of hosts to be used as worker nodes.
  • system.default.config.parallelism.total - The total number of workers (i.e., the DOP).

The values from the system.default namespace are used per default in all other systems, so we don’t need to explicitly set them for HDFS, Flink and Spark.

In order to assign the correct list, we make use of the predefined hosts.conf file for the ACME cluster. The command that generated this file is as follows:

./peel.sh hosts:generate ./config/acme-master/hosts.conf  \
          --masters "acme-master"                         \
          --slaves-pattern "acme-%03d"                    \
          --slaves-include "[1,40]"                       \
          --parallelism 32                                \
          --memory 33554432                               \
          --unit 5

Because the unit is set to 5 and the number of workers is 40 (acme-001 through acme-040), the hosts.conf will contain the following config entries

  • env.slaves.all - configuration using all workers.
  • env.slaves.top005 - using the top 5 workers (acme-001 through acme-005)
  • env.slaves.top010 - using the top 10 workers (acme-001 through acme-010)
  • env.slaves.top020 - using the top 20 workers (acme-001 through acme-020)
  • env.slaves.top040 - using the top 40 workers (acme-001 through acme-040)

Per default, we have the following config values set in ACME’s application.conf:

system {
    default {
        config {
            masters = ${env.masters}
            slaves = ${env.slaves.all.hosts}
            parallelism.per-node = ${env.per-node.parallelism}
            parallelism.total = ${env.slaves.all.total.parallelism}

Recall that the parallelism.total parameter is used in the command of data generation job. Based on this insight, we know that for the weak scale-out suite we need to parameterize the environment configuration per experiment as follows:

system {
    default {
        config {
            slaves = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.hosts}
            parallelism.total = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.total.parallelism}

Where __topXXX__ is a placeholder that iterates over the following values: top005, top010, and top020. In order to minimize the boilerplate code in a situation like this, Peel offers an ExperimentSequence factory. The factory receives a sequence of parameter maps and instantiates sequence of experiment prototypes for each item in the list. One can use the following Parameters factories.

As in our situation we only have one varying parameter (topXXX), we can use SimpleParameters. The code snippet looks as follows

```xml top005 top010 top020 <![CDATA[ system.default.config.slaves = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.hosts} system.default.config.parallelism.total = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.total.parallelism} datagen.dictionary.dize = 10000 datagen.tuples.per.task = 10000000 # ~ 100 MB ]]> <![CDATA[ system.default.config.slaves = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.hosts} system.default.config.parallelism.total = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.total.parallelism} datagen.dictionary.dize = 10000 datagen.tuples.per.task = 10000000 # ~ 100 MB ]]> ```
```scala @Bean(name = Array("wordcount.scale-out")) def `wordcount.scale-out`: ExperimentSuite = { val `wordcount.flink.prototype` = new FlinkExperiment( name = "wordcount.flink.__topXXX__", command = """ |-v -c org.peelframework.wordcount.flink.FlinkWC \ |${app.path.apps}/peel-wordcount-flink-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ |${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt \ |${system.hadoop-2.path.output}/wordcount """.stripMargin.trim, config = ConfigFactory.parseString( """ |system.default.config.slaves = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.hosts} |system.default.config.parallelism.total = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.total.parallelism} |datagen.dictionary.dize = 10000 |datagen.tuples.per.task = 10000000 # ~ 100 MB """.stripMargin.trim), runs = 3, runner = ctx.getBean("flink-0.9.0", classOf[Flink]), inputs = Set(ctx.getBean("dataset.words.generated", classOf[DataSet])), outputs = Set(ctx.getBean("wordcount.output", classOf[ExperimentOutput])) ) val `wordcount.spark.prototype` = new SparkExperiment( name = "wordcount.spark.__topXXX__", command = """ |--class org.peelframework.wordcount.spark.SparkWC \ |${app.path.apps}/peel-wordcount-spark-jobs-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ |${system.hadoop-2.path.input}/rubbish.txt \ |${system.hadoop-2.path.output}/wordcount """.stripMargin.trim, config = ConfigFactory.parseString( """ |system.default.config.slaves = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.hosts} |system.default.config.parallelism.total = ${env.slaves.__topXXX__.total.parallelism} |datagen.dictionary.dize = 10000 |datagen.tuples.per.task = 10000000 # ~ 100 MB """.stripMargin.trim), runs = 3, runner = ctx.getBean("spark-1.3.1", classOf[Spark]), inputs = Set(ctx.getBean("dataset.words.generated", classOf[DataSet])), outputs = Set(ctx.getBean("wordcount.output", classOf[ExperimentOutput])) ) new ExperimentSuite( new ExperimentSequence( parameters = new SimpleParameters( paramName = "topXXX", paramVals = Seq("top005", "top010", "top020")), prototypes = Seq( `wordcount.flink.prototype`, `wordcount.spark.prototype`))) } ```

Similar to the System beans, the definitions of the DataSet, Experiment, and ExperimentSuite beans for the WordCount experiment are factored out in dedicated files

The full configuration as initialized in your peel-wordcount bundle can be found in the GitHub repository.